Soreen Stanbury Splash

Sunday 19th January 2025  11.30am

All runners receive a Soreen Malt Loaf Bar thanks to our good friends at Soreen, plus full size Soreen Malt Loaf as prizes.

Junior races 10.30am See Quarry Runs page

Notes:-  There is a cut-off of 45 minutes at the start of the Ponden Kirk loop.  Any runner arriving there after this time will be asked to miss the loop and pick up the return path.

To mitigate this there is the option of an early start at 11am for any Over 60’s, who do not feel able to meet this cut-off time.  Please declare yourselves when registering. 

Senior prize giving outside at the cricket hut after the race.     If you want a prize, you must be there to collect it, see list below for details.

Route for 2025 will be same as last 2 years.  It uses the first part of the new outward route that was used in 2022 but avoiding the later stiles and then returns by the old route.  

6.7 mile 1200ft : BM

Starting from Penistone Hill Country Park and circuiting the upper reaches of Ponden Clough and Stanbury Moor.

Starting from the quarry bottom on Penistone, turn right onto the road and then left onto the Bronte Way track.  Just past the ruins of Middle Intake Farm it turns right through a gate and down through the fields to cross Sladen Beck, the first of many times for wet feet.  Its then an inevitably muddy climb,  back up the other side to reach the track continuing from Back Lane. Turn left, uphill, on a good track, but just after the cattle grid turn right onto the Pennine Way. Follow the track between walls for 200m, then turn left and follow a narrow footpath which leads down to a grassy track at Near Slack.  Follow this track till you reach Far Slack, then follow the signed footpath to the left which leads onto the open moor. On nearing another signpost, turn right down the hillside and cross the beck at the bottom, using the original race crossing point.  From this point onwards the race is as previous years.  Cross the stream and head up to a gap in the wall near a wooden gate. Ignore the gate but take the gap to the left to head up the moor, and skirt the gamekeepers lodge. Now starts the circuit of the Clough, initially on a well made track but which then turns into footpath. After circuiting the Clough, with several more beck crossings and even more wet feet, you will meet back with the outgoing course near a signpost. However keep to the right and follow the path which leads directly back to the main Pennine Way bridleway. Then turn left back down the hill.   Careful as you descend back to cross Sladen Beck as it can be hard to stay upright, then climb back through the fields.  Just after you pass Middle Intake farm, bear right off the track and onto the path to take the shortest way back to the finish line on the cricket pitch.

Aerial map of revised route 2023
Photo tour of diverted route 2022. Only first part of this is used.


Registration time 9.30am

Old Cricket Hut,
West End Cricket Club / Haworth & Oxenhope District Bridleways Group
Penistone Hill,
GR 023 363

Over 18’s only

Entry Cost £5

Entry on day

Teams (3) free
Mini Soreen Malt Bar for all entrants
Free coffee and biscuits

Prize giving afterwards will be outside the Cricket Hut.

Extensive prize list:

First 10 men and ladies
Top 3 Vets in each age category, 40, 50, 60, 70
Top 3 U21
Spot Prizes

One prize per person.
You need to be there or you may miss out.

Prize list may be scaled back if there are less than 200 senior runners.

Kit Requirements

In accordance with FRA safety requirements,  all runners should bring full kit, i.e. waterproof top, waterproof leggings, hat, gloves and be prepared to wear/carry it.  A decision will be made on the day regards what is required.

Race Contact

Geoff Thompson 07400 678163



  • M Ian Holmes – Bingley 41.52 2006
  • V40 Ian Holmes – Bingley 41.52 2006
  • V50 Steve Oldfield – Bradford Airedale 47.53 2008
  • V60 Dave Tait – Dark Peak 54.07 2008
  • V70 Peter Covey – Bingley 64.18 2011


  • F Natalie White – Bingley 49.01 2006
  • FV40 Aly Raw – Bingley 54.42 2011
  • FV50 Deborah Gowans – Accrington 61.27 2017
  • FV60 Jan Atkins – Chorley 66.57 2006



2024 :Photos

2023 :Photos

2022 :Photos

2021 : No race due to COVID 19

2020 :Photos

2019 : Photos

2018 : Report and Photos

Past Results




For older results go to Woodentops Stanbury Splash archive