Welcome to Wharfedale Harriers Juniors
Our main training session is on a Monday evening. Meet at Silsden Sports Club, Keighley Road, for a 6.30pm start. We currently split into two or three groups based on numbers and ability. Minimum age is 7 years old.
During the winter months training takes place on well -lit pavement areas around Silsden. Juniors should bring a fluorescent jacket or wear light coloured clothing. Our older juniors, typically eleven plus sometimes venture onto the country lanes in which case a head torch is desirable.
For the more capable and older youths there is the opportunity to run with either the men’s or ladies group who typically run 6 or 7 miles.
Monday night training costs £1 per child per session. We encourage all juniors to become a member of the club and to run for Wharfedale Harriers at local fell and cross country races . We also welcome runners from other clubs who want to train with us.
During the summer months we train on grass or off road. Our beginners group train in Silsden Park, whilst our older juniors generally train on the various moors around Silsden.
There is also a mixed juniors and seniors speed training session on a Thursday evening. Meet for a 7pm start in the car park at Ilkley Grammar School. This is mainly targeted at those runners in Year 7 and above who are competing regularly and looking to progress. Younger runners are welcome but due to the structure of the session need an accompanying adult to run with them. During winter months the training is at various locations on the streets of Ilkley, but in the summer months we venture onto Ilkley Moor, which is a good opportunity for off road improvement.
Each year there is a Junior Championship competition which is open to all juniors who are members of the club. Points are awarded across the season for competing in a selection of races. At the end of the year there is a presentation evening, with trophies for those who have done best during the year.
There are a number of races and competitions that you can enter some are individual competitions and some also allow for team competition.
Junior Fell Race Calendar 2017
Kendal Winter league January –March
These races are based mainly around the Kendal area, some are a little bit nearer, and take place nearly every Sunday. Entry fee is £1. There are no prizes at individual races, but at the end of the series there is usually a memento for those who have completed at least 5 races and trophies for the top 3 in each age category.
FRA Junior Championship March-June 
These take place all over the North of England, but quite a few are relatively near to home. There are individual prizes at each race and also overall trophies at the end of the series. Also for those who complete either 4 or 6 races, and are members of the FRA, there is either a T-shirt or Hoody at the end of the series. There is also a club championship which is based on the best 3 individuals points from each event, but only U12, U14, U16 and U18 count. In 2014 we came 5th, where could we be this year if more people compete? There is also a Junior Do at the end of the series, which involves some training, a free buffet and then prize giving.
Bofra Junior Championship May-Sept
These take place mainly over the North of England, but also with one up in Scotland for the more adventurous. Many of these races are associated with Galas and shows, so they tend to be good family days out. Entry fee for juniors is usually £1.00. You can just turn up and register/run on the day, but if you want to be eligible for trophies at the end of the series you need to be a member of BOFRA. If you complete enough races and are a member you get a T-Shirt. There are often opportunities for barbecues or picnic afterwards at these.
West Yorks Cross Country league Oct-Dec
This is for those who are aged 9 years or older. You need to be registered with England Athletics to take part, and you need to register before the start of the series. There are usually 4 races across West Yorkshire. There are both individual trophies and team medals at the end of the series.
Peco Cross country Series Dec-Jan
School Year 4 and older. These take part at various locations across West Yorkshire. Juniors can turn up and register on the day.
- School years 4 – 6: 1 mile
- School years 7 – 12: 2 miles
Yorkshire, Northern and National Cross Country Jan-Feb
These are the highlight of the cross country season and attract the best athletes from across the region and country. Minimum age for these is 11 on day.
Schools Cross Country
There are a number of local schools cross country leagues that you may be able to participate in. Entry to these is usually via your school, but you may be able to enter individually if you contact the organises.
There are a number of other local race organisers
Dave and Eileen Woodhead organise the Quarry Runs which take place on the moors above Haworth in January, Oct and Dec each year. These are fun races round the old quarry on Pensitone Hill. Everybody normally receives a goody bag at the end, plus there are prizes for fancy dress and then at the end of prize giving there is the famous chocolate throw out where everyone has a chance to grab some extra sweets.
BAN Junior Fell and Terrain League
This is a competition that is open to local Clubs and combines a number of races from the above plus a few extra local races. At the end of the series there are trophies for the top three in each category if you’ve done enough races.
In addition to the above both the FRA and BOFRA organise a number of other races which are not included in the championships, details are on the various website.
If you need more detail on any of the above please talk to David, Lynda, Chris or Geoff at training.